America expelled God (and therefore morality) from schools in the 60s and now we have all these problems, 100% of which are forced on us all by those that do not fear a judgement and either deny God's existence or a small section of them that know He is real but just hate Him.

Now the staff and the kids in schools are nearly all godless and teach that might makes right, called "survival of the fittest' Also we teach kids that morality is based on the wishes of the people so if a lot of people say something is "right", then it is. If you don't care about your life ​you probably don't care about anyone else's either.

People are trying to figure out what to do about the problem, but what they think is the problem is not. It's the symptoms of the problem.

People assuming the wisdom and power of gods are the problem. So the opinion of those that are fooled become "right" when enough of them are lied to.

Most readers here will agree that a "law" saying we all have to be disarmed is bad. But some of the reader here can't say why.

History? Well....that only sidesteps the issue.

According to many on the left, simply making sure all those that disagree with them are dead is the only way to bring progress. Man is just one more animal. If cats kill all mice and then have to prey on something else, no one will know of care about the mice later on. If an invasive plant takes over the ground and drives other plants to extension, so what?

So mass murder is only wrong if you don't win or get what you want from it. But "morality" is a matter of who writes the history when the fight ends.

Homosexual forced agenda. Wrong?

Seizure of your assets because "the government needs them" Wrong?

Elimination access to wilderness areas. Wrong?

Forced medical experimentation on your kids. Wrong?

Take away all weapon from those that "might resist". Wrong?

And the list can go one and on.

But we have some here who will read this who will still try to convince themselves ( and anyone else they can) that they know what's right and what's wrong because they are simply smarter then those they don't agree with, but can't give a single reason why such affections above are bad for mankind as long as mankind all "comes together" after they and those that disagree with them are punished or dead. Peace to them is a lack of enemies, so no one is left to oppose them. No Holy God means might makes right so those that agree with godlessness need to admit they are the problem, and nothing they desire or believe is any more important than what a communist or radical feminist or black racist believes.

If there is no Holy God then you dear reader are no more important in the scheme of things than a fly and the maggots that it leaves behind are as important to the future as your own kids are.

Violence invoked by emotions and lies are not THE problem. They are the symptom of the problem.

​THE PROBLEM is godlessness.