Just try some TSS 7.5s, 8s, or 9s at 1200fps or under, and you can save the sticks for beating yourself about the head.

I can’t count the turkeys I’ve killed, long before TSS came along…..and #5 lead was as big as I ever saw a need for. Usually #6s and even some HV 7.5s to keep density up after green out. Then again, I wasn’t body shooting them, or trying to kill them past 40yds, so maybe #4s was the way to go with that style.

….but since TSS has come along with the pattern density and mass it provides, I have trouble comprehending ‘wanting’ to use anything else. Even an ‘ice pick’ in the CNS will kill them faster than a buckshot elsewhere. I’ve never chased one a step with TSS in sub gauges, and I’ve never had to use a 3.5” shell to compensate for lack of sense or other endowment.