We have a local farmer/beef producer/butcher.
He sells beef on the rail for $3/lb.
Depending on bone and fat, that works out to about $5.

That's for finished beef breeds.

And it's a good price compared to many.
The farmer is doing better than running them through an auction.

Too many beef guys sell, "prime" beef. Prime, because it's theirs.
And they want more than grocery store prices.
Most, are full of BS.

For some reason, the whole farm to table thing has driven this.
I remember buying stuff from farmers, especially corn.
They got more than selling wholesale, we paid less than retail.
Win-win. Everyone is happy.
Now, you buy products that a farmer sold, it was trucked to a warehouse,
then trucked to a store, and sold at the store. For less than these farmstands
charge. Pisses me off. And I don't buy from them. I like to support them,
and help them do better. I am not gonna be their patsy.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!