Originally Posted by hanco
Illegal in Texas to transport hogs. I kill them, never gut shot one. I hate the bastards, but I don’t gut shoot them.

Could have written this myself. Same for me here.

Always feels good to drop something with big tusks on them- but not kidding myself that I am in any way controlling the population. Dang things are smart and adapt in a big hurry.

Last two deer seasons I took one opening day which I was very happy about. I have taken plenty of deer so I get more of a kick scouting for my buddy rather so seeing hogs are a treat.

You can see them in your trail cams but jumping them on my current lease is tricky if you bust their routine they tend to change it. My old lease out further west was 1000 acres and walking it you had a 50% of sneaking in on some. Miss that. both leases have seen mountain lions. Wonder how many a lion might take?

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius