How far north do buzzards go in the summer. Black buzzards didn’t show up until about ten years ago

Black vultures don’t move around much, they actually live in related social groups, they are heavier than turkey vultures and not as good at soaring without strong thermals. Given strong thermals they soar higher and faster than Turkey vultures. They are spreading north and increasing in many places, even in the South.

Right now they are found as far north as Southern NY/Southern New England and Southern PA across to S. Arkansas, SE Kansas and the Eastern 2/3,of Oklahoma and TX. Also parts of S.Arizona. Still absent from most of the West.

Both species have benefitted enormously from the establishment of our road network.

Saw 5 of the bastards just below my house, sitting on a limb by a roadkilled
deer. It's a busy state road, if it had been a better location 3 or 4 of them
would have succumbed to lead poisoning. Have heard they were around here,
probably have seen them on the wing and not knew it. This, was the first
time seeing them for certain.

I gotta disagree, slightly.

Ethics are somewhat personal, following them absolutely is.
Things like baiting, using a light, shooting from vehicles even,
They are regional and personal.

But even coming from a place and people who did it, having done it
myself, killing "extra" game is never ethical. There may be good reasons
to do so, but it not ethical. Clear as dirt, I know.

One of the foundations of ethics though, even outside of hunting, is
to avoid causing unnecessary suffering of any creature.

The posts of shotgun shooting, or poisioning are BS arguments trying to
defend an indefensible position. As posted before, I can come up with
scenarios where I would do it. But it's very distasteful, and would be
one of those things you do out of necessity, unwillingly.
And dam sure don't talk about.

Last edited by Dillonbuck; 01/19/22.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!