Originally Posted by ewc
Park Service has been doing that for years in the Smokey Mountains. Pay some kids just out of college to shoot them and leave them lay. Guns and nightvision legally in a federal Park? Hell yeah!!!
In March 2010 a Georgia game warden was accidently shot by being mistaken for a coyote. He was apparently prone and watching some hunters who were predator hunting using night vision or thermal imaging optics.

My neighbor mounted an ATN on his rifle and I could see hogs easily at 200+ yards but could not swear they were hogs. It had the side effect of messing up my night vision for several minutes. I stick with my motion detector light and bait and do not invite people of unknown ability to come shoot hogs.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."