Originally Posted by leadfeather
Fellas , can somebody tell me why a nongame animal with such a destructive nature receive any better treatment than say a wood rat or a cockroach that most everybody has at one time or another poisoned or hired an exterminator to do it for you. Most all of these hogs that i am dealing with have proven to be very trap shy from previous trapping and loading a 250 plus lb. hog is a challenge at best for me . I was approached by a fella that bragged about how good his dogs where and if i would just let him in he would rid us of our problem. I agreed with the stipulation that no hogs left alive . that was the last I herd of him.
the other day I was traveling between Campti and Clarence and saw what i thought was a barrel in the ditch that moved, then it looked more like a baby Rhinoceros and all I could thing of was how many fawns has that thing eaten and how much destruction will he cause in the future. I am fed up!
That hog you saw in the ditch was no more than 5 or 6 miles from me. The only thing I have been able to do is hold down the population until some more move into the void. With the end of deer season this month I'll get some new ones because all the hunters will quit baiting. I feed the deer and squirrels a little corn all year. I wouldn't expect hunters with dogs to be effective. They kill or catch a few but mostly scatter them. I agree with the others that purposely gut shooting to wound isn't right. My little 2WD Honda Recon can drag off a big hog. I gut shoot sometimes in that I shoot hogs facing away right under the tail but I'm using a .30-06 with a 180 grain bullet so it goes through the guts and past the diaphragm and usually takes the hog down right there.

Maybe you can take some action to stop your neighbor from importing trap shy hogs because once they've been trapped and maybe shot at in the daytime they are hard to kill or catch. If he keeps stocking more you are spinning your wheels trying to kill them. If it was me and I could prove it he would be explaining it to the judge.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."