Originally Posted by hunter01
And what rock are you living under???????? Toyota trucks have more American parts in them than Ford, Dodge, and Chevy. FACT! duhhhhhhhhhhh! And don't give me that crap about Japan making money from selling their vehicles made in America and sold to Americans. And oh, by the way, so does the U. S. Do you think they take about NOT buying U.S. vehicles in Japan? Probably not, and could care less. They are just built better. FACT! What proof do YOU have to new, big engine, Toyota trucks not getting good gas mileage. You don't. Well, here is some proof. I own a new 07 Tundra with the big 5.7 l engine. With 2500 miles on my new truck, I'm averaging 17 mpg all around. On a trip last month to West Virginia, I got 20.7 mps. FACT! That truck is overbuilt in every way from bumper to bumper. Get used to it, and GET OVER IT. Respond with all your redneck negative comments. Fine, bring it on. I don't care, as that won't bother me at all. I only know when I drive to work in my new 2007 Toyota Tundra, and pass guys with their Fords, Dodges, and Chevys, I'm in envy of NO ONE. Go Toyota.

Toyota has more American parts in it than a truck from the Big 3? Says who? You? Now here's a reliable and unimpeachable source. wink Your post sounds like a freaking Toyota employee is quoting a Toyota ad. whistle Overseas sales? Perhaps you're not too well versed on Japan's tariffs on imported vehicles. You should read up on them before you make such ludicrous statements of "FACT". Since the rest of the "FACTS" posted are pure, unadulterated BS, why would anyone believe the "built better" and the mileage claims that are posted as "FACT". Overbuilt, bumper to bumper? Cute little grocery getter is more like it.

"why would anyone with 1/2 a brain not think that their trucks couldn't hang with the inferior built, unreliable Big 3 vehicles. Hello!!!!!, they already do. Wake up boys!!They are just built better. FACT!"

You really think that the Toyota is built better and more powerful than all of the Big 3 trucks? My neighbor with the new Tundra did too. He shot his mouth off like some others and I finally had enough of the hype and BS. So I asked to take my neighbor's Tundra for a "little ride". I put out a 30 foot chain with one end hooked up to my Ford truck and told him to hook the other end to his "massive drivetrain" equipped and "powerful engine", towing monster of a Toyota. It seems that he didn't feel as strongly that his 07 Tundra with the big 5.7 l engine could tow, or outwork, my Ford truck. I had just a few words for him after he chickened out and refused to back up his silly claims. I told him that if he was foolish enough to attempt it, that he'd get to experience what it feels like being in a tin can while being towed behind a truck. laugh grin laugh Like I had said earlier, cute little grocery getter. Nothing more. laugh MI VHNTR

The Second Amendment isn't about Hunting. It's about Freedom.

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