Haha yes, VernAK... he is old and wise!

Every now and then we get a call from neighbour hunting areas that they have wounded a roebuck so we go there to help. You should see him following the spoor, truffle to the ground, and stopping every now and then just to look back to make sure I am following. Old bucks will most of the time make turns and laces and it is incredible how he will unwind his trail and lead me to the dead or, sometimes still alive, animal.

Three years ago a Spanish Ibex that he was following and that had run off from him without giving us an opportunity of shooting him again moved into really treacherous territory, somewhere like the Ibex thought he could not be followed, but Mauser did and disaster happened when the Ibex turn aroung and toppled him off and down a vertical rock cliff that almost killed him.

He never recovered totally, but has substitued the physical power he then had becoming a mor mindfull dog now.

I cannot say how much I appreciate his company and work. It is just invaluable.