Sitka, not to mention, where the fk could you put the dmn thing on a snow machine or dog sled??

After rolling a widetrak lx on an icy ravine, I bent a 24" barreled pump shotgun beyond repair, years ago.

I ended up never bringing another long gun except an over/under shotgun/rifle that folded in half. I stowed it safely in the under-seat storage.

When I switched to dogs and freight sleds, it was so bad (space wise), could only store rifle inside a gutted caribou carcass in the freight sled. The ONLY safe place where a gun will survive a crash, is vertical scabbard, UNDER the handle bar.

Before I built my custom freight sled, I was desperate enough to consider bullpup rifles.

With my new freightsled: 40 inches, max length on rifles.

24hourcampfire, where lower-48 do nothing pipe-dreamers school Alaskans, everyday.