Originally Posted by rost495
Originally Posted by johnn
Originally Posted by buttstock
Originally Posted by Swamplord
30-06 is neat until you see a 70" class bull from the top of a hill out at 800-900 yards with absolutely no other shot or way to get closer because of terrain & brush with 2 hrs of light left on the last day of your hunt .....

I sold my '06 and vowed to never, ever be hampered and screwed by some fabled cartridge that didn't have the balls to deliver when it was needed most

What cartridge did you select to take a 70" bull, 800 yards away, 2 hours before sunset?
22LR, you can do anything when yer dreaming
Some have the ability. Some don't. The ones that do have it also know when to shoot and when not to.

If I had that client this year we'd have had a 70 plus inch bull. As it was it was too close to dark and the stalk took too long even though we walked up to his bed. He'd gone wandering in the middle of the long stalk.

That said one caliber for the stuff thats around in AK starts at least 375 caliber in my books.
Most of my hunting has been with a 300 H&H, gets a bit heavy on sheep hunts, however there was a time when that was the only CF rifle I owned. It shot well and still does. I know have a 375 that gathers dust, nothing in the interior that I need that for unless I get a bison permit (they should have open season on the plains buffler), even then the 300 would do the job. I inherited the 375 and a buff would be fitting. If I was hunting coastal brownies it would be my choice.
Still, a ought 6 would hands down do it all.
Knowing your capabilities is key, no shot is ever a "sure thing"...

For those without thumbs, it's s Garden fookin Island, not Hawaii