Originally Posted by 79S
Originally Posted by Swamplord
Originally Posted by johnn
No reason to shoot 800 yards on a moose.
Get closer, do some actual hunting

Some of you Fudds need to learn how to shoot

Fudds are guys that think the 2nd amendment is about hunting rights and no one should own a AR15.. in short Mary Peltola voters..

how stupid does one have to be to vote for a skeemo, thinking that some indiginass Democrat libtard kcunt is right for Alaska ? just because it's a native ? SMH

about as stupid as the ones who voted for that homo kneegoer for president, just because he was black... twice FFS !

Some white mfkrs have lost their minds and turned traitor to their own kind

aside from that...

guys that can't shoot for sh it will always need a target the size of a bus within 100 yards, so when they shrink back in terror of recoil as they yank on the trigger, they still have hopes of blowing a knee off the moose and slowing it down so they can try shooting at it again .... Alaska is full of these Fudds, just hang out at the gun counter and listen to the stupid that comes through, lmao !

"The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants".