Interesting thread. The one lib that responded generally mirrors what I have experienced with the ones in my family.....which I believe are representative of white liberals, whom I believe are going to destroy this country.

First, they have bought lock, stock, and barrel the climate change hoax. They actually believe that the world is gonna burn up in a few years if we don't stop using fossil the destruction of our economy and way of life is warranted.....just like sacrifices were warranted to win WW2. They completely ignore the possibility of natural cycles of warming and cooling over the eons, the progress made over the years with pollution, or the fact that China and India are burning coal like there is no tomorrow and laughing their asses off at us destroying ourselves to make miniscule improvements in C02 as Trump would say....preventing the ocean from rising a half inch over the next 300 fugging years.....and that only in theory. Also, big corporations that they claim to hate and lib heroes such as Bill Gates are raking in the dough with this scam....laughing all the way to the bank with the assistance of their "useful idiots". The crazy thing is that I don't see any of them making any significant personal sacrifices such as riding bikes or cutting off the AC......just like the big wheels in their sect still fly private jets. Its all bullshat.

Second, they see oppression everywhere. They still feel blacks are oppressed even though there has been a black president, black rappers making millions for spitting into a microphone, black executives and in general blacks everywhere doing well if they are willing to participate in the system....where they are given race based advantages. They act like its 1925 and they are still getting lynched regularly. They see women being oppressed by any regulation on abortion when in reality contraceptives are available anywhere, probably for free at the local planned murderhood. Women running for president and running fortune 500 companies are ignored. If a woman loses an election or doesn't get a job its because of discrimination, the idea that she is unqualified or perhaps an idiot is never considered. They see Phags being oppressed everywhere when in fact they are the ones oppressing straight people with the Gaykk. I asked one of my liberal aunts if she thought it was a good idea for drag queens to be grooming her grandchildren in school. She replied, "they are just trying to teach the kids not to kill them" if that was a thing. Again, its not 1925 anymore. Phags are protected by "hate crime" laws and a mere word against them could cost your employment. They also see "latinos" being oppressed and deserving of "asylum" and being owed free ingress into our country and welfare, jobs, and education on taxpayer dime. The fact that they are going to be "swimming democrats" is icing on their cake.

Third, libs don't think rank and file people should have guns. Obviously, they have a hard on for "assault rifles" but if you really pin one down they think that just the police and military should have weapons. The idea that someone would kill a criminal trying to murder them with their own gun is as repugnant to them as a woman deciding not to abort her baby. Ditto the idea that people would overthrow an oppressive government via use of the second amendment. Its like they can't see that historically governments are not benevolent and that murders are committed with all manner of things even bare hands. They don't understand that criminals are not giving up their weapons because criminals don't obey gun laws......that includes criminals that hold office.

Fourth, Libs don't particularly like the idea of "American exceptionalism" and feel somewhat ashamed and embarrassed with us being the top dog in the world. For example, when Trump made a big deal about getting the European countries to pay up for NATO, one of my Aunts thought that was a national disgrace because of the "public way he handled it". For some unknown reason to me they admire the murderous Chinese communists. This is one of the real reasons they hate Trump so much. He is unabashed in his love for America and wants her to win win win bigly.

Fifth, libs think they are "privileged" and are somewhat guilty about it. The older generation libs in my family are fairly well off having participated in and been rewarded by the boomer economy their entire lives after having literally grown up in a shack in the backside of a swamp in south Georgia in the 1950's. Now, solidly middle class. To their credit, they worked for what they have. But they feel they owe welfare to those that did not because they are or were somehow "privileged". They think rich people don't pay enough taxes when the reality is that they pay most of them. They are all for loan forgiveness, free college, etc. Like Warren Buffet, they could write a check for extra money to the IRS at tax time but for some reason do not.

Sixth, what I call the "Cowboy Tim" lib. These are fairly normal people in a labor union who may be a little uneasy about drag queens grooming their children or being disarmed, but they still buy off on the lie that the democrats are for the "working man". In some ways these are the most stupid of all libs but the easiest to get along with and perhaps the most ideologically salvageable because they don't necessarily go for much of the above but still vote for it because they believe they are protecting their livings....even as the libs they elect are destroying them via regulations and disastrous energy policies. Case in point the pipeline workers that Biden canned on day one, the second his geriatric ass hit the seat in the oval orafice.

Seventh, Libs believe what they read on the mainstream news and cannot see that it is rank propaganda that would make Goebbels and Pravda envious. Having heard and believed the BS from what they consider old line reliable sources such as the big three networks, CNN, and the New York Times, its hard to reason with them. What is the saying, its easier to fool someone than to convince someone they have been fooled. They see these outlets as a free and fair press even though they lie to them every damn day and see alternative media outlets as "Russian disinformation". They won't hear or consider the other side. Additionally they consider "the scientists" as infallible. They will tell you that "the scientists" say so and so, not considering that "the scientists" a)could be wrong or b)could be buttering their bread with government money.

All of this supports Sniper's point that an excess of "empathy" is involved but as I see it, the empathy is shallow and not really genuine. As I said before, in the case of my family if they were really worried about economic "unfairness" they could not drive new cars and give more money to charity. Invite some blacks over for dinner. They could run the AC at 80 in the summer if they really cared about the climate as they say. The word is hypocrisy and its name is liberal. They are more worried about how what they espouse makes them "feel" than any measurable results.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, this stuff is running me crazy.

Last edited by RJY66; 12/04/22.

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants". --- William Penn