Your reponse, Northman, is so full of absurdities and false assertions one hardly knows how to begin. However, it is a classic example, along with my following response of why we get nowhere.

Originally Posted by Northman
Problem with Republicans, is that they are the most right wing party of ANY other comparable Western nation!!
Well, perhaps a few open Facists parties beats them. Republican Party is not quite there yet... although its starting to show through the cracks..

This is not even close to true and a false assertion of the positions of the vast majority of Republicans. For the most part, conservatives want government out of most facets of our lives, that's it. The left calls that extreme right or, the ever popular "lets make up a new definition for a word that has negative connotations", facistic. Conservatives believe that government takeovers of things in which it has no business causes more harm than good. Historically speaking, modern day Republicans are more middle of the road or even left-leaning, than ever in history. You just see the gap created by Democrats moving further and further to the left.

Originally Posted by Northman
Add to that, that most Republicans belive US to be the BEST AND FREEST country in the world...
Which sets them up to NEVER want to fix anything.. because why fix something that is perfect?

The first half of the above statement is probably true and, we therefore feel it is worth saving rather than changing into something we don't want. The second half is, in my opinion, an absurdity. Things that really do, objectively speaking, need fixed, that require government to do so, usually have general agreement from liberals and conservatives. They just don't become evidence of bipartisan agreement. Unfortunately those things get lost in the morass of "government is the answer to everything".

Originally Posted by Northman
Meanwhile, the Western world has moved on and overtaken US on most metrics that measures wellbeing, work life balance, happiness, life expectancy.

I would agree that in certain areas in certain countries that may be true. However, conservatives believe that government "take over" causes way more problems than it solves. One can look at empirical data from the first 75% of the 20th century with respect to social issues and compare to now and see that is true. The more government got involved (trying to be like "other countries") the worse things became.

Originally Posted by Northman
Other western countries have: "Better Everything" - (Not his words, mine, with apologies, just to shorten quote)

"A" country may be better than us an "AN ISSUE"; however, even as much as we conservatives complain about our government, it is interesting to note that, as you stated, we still think we have the greatest country in the world. However, you, and many like you, think we suck. There is a reason we are the number one destination of people leaving other countries and it's not because we are "worse at it" than they are.

Originally Posted by Northman
But, Republican answer is, FKUC all of you, We are the BEST... Since this is the argument of a simpleton and is completely absurd I will just respond with "No it's not". You drifted away from intelligent argument there Northman, in my opinion.
Claiming US to be the best country in the world and claiming to love it, while refusing to pay taxes to actually fix things...

First, the assertion that Republicans are refusing to pay taxes is flat out false and an example of how the Democrat and leftist control of the narrative makes people hate one another. However, taxes are an interesting issue. The vast majority of government spending on social programs is wasted on bureaucratic b.s. and graft. Government involvement in most social programs is worse than if there were no government involvement at all. However, many conservatives believe that we "should help those in true need". That ends up creating a perpetual system whereby government hand-outs become a way of life. Not for all but for many. Any time a Republican submits a means of streamlining and improving such systems, without negatively affecting what people truly in need would receive, those that control the narrative argue just as you did.

Originally Posted by Northman
Just give corporations more power and remove some more workers rights, cut health insurance, and everything will be better... the market will fix things, I am certain.
(after Corporations pay of some more politicians, because money is free speech)

That's rich. To argue that corporations and big business are in league with Republicans just goes counter to everything we see on a day to day basis. The biggest corporations and businesses carry the water for the Democrat party and vice versa. To me, this comes down to idiotic economic policies which are implemented, once again, because of the control of the narrative. Irrespective of true intent, Democrat politicians lie about the "don't pay their fair share". I'm no apologist for this big corporations and the wealthy; however, that is probably the biggest lie in modern politics. I guess we could argue as to what is "subjectively" fair. However, under no metric could one objectively argue that our system of taxation is fair and that the rich don't pay their fair share. I know there is a point at which the argument fails. However, every single time our government has lowered tax rates, revenues to the government have gone up. What better way to fund "needed social programs" could possibly exist.

This crosses over to so many issues. However, arguing for lower tax rates to increase revenues to the government, incentivise more investment in business and products, thus creating more jobs for everybody, thus broadening the tax payer base and thus, again, increasing revenues to government coffers all the while not having corporations passing their increased tax costs onto the consumer simply becomes "tax cuts for the rich" and hating the little guy. It's simply absurd and devious. What I described has happened every time such tax cuts were implemented. Immensely more numbers of poor were helped by those tax cuts than were rich.

It is easier for those who control the narrative to assign evil motives and hate rather than to objectively discuss issues and remedies.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck