Well said Mr. Bigsky,

Unfortunately it will fall on deaf ears.

To simplify, we have two types of people for the most part. We have people that believe in the freedom and sovereignty of the individual and we have people that believe in the collective.

The collective is essentially Marxism. They are parasites looking for a free ride. You stop providing that for them and they will direct the government to destroy you, literally.

Conservatives believe in individual responsibly and that is essential for freedom.

Leftist manipulate people by appealing to their weakness, such as envy, envy is a wicked emotion. Selfishness, slothfulness, lazyness, victimhood etc... evil manipulations.

Marxism has failed every time it is tried 100%

Freedom succeeds every time it is tried.... it isn't easy.

The alternative promises easy, but soon it's discovered they lied, they do it for power and control and the "useful " idiots that fall for the lies will be the first to die under the new system.

Then they will force the slavery and misery on everyone. They will have to use force, as the productive people will stop producing if there is no reward and others benefit but they do not. Then the fun begins.

And the evil people that promised the free lunch will be entrenched and impossible to remove.

This is the history of civilization, until America was created by strong freedom loving wise men!!!

Originally Posted by Judman
PS, if you think Trump is “good” you’re way stupider than I thought! Haha

Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.