When I start thinking like your post, I look around.

Two girls, 16 and 20, live here. We interact with their friends and the oldest's
fiancée friends.
Kid's in trade schools, nursing schools, trade union apprentices, trade jobs.
I'm impressed as hell with most of them. They have better opportunities than
existed 35 years ago (here).

Where I see dispare is the "Smart" kids.
College bound, enrolled, graduates.
The ones that were the hot Schmidt 35 years ago.
Today, many of them are lazy, indoctrinated, entitled, worthless lumps of mud.

It appears there is some trend toward trades and productive work, less toward
college (especially stupid studies) that is a shining light.

There has to be a tipping point however.
If we haven't crossed it yet, it's gotta be around here somewhere?

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!