Originally Posted by lvmiker
Like most boomer threads this one is a pile of dung. Criscoe continues to embarrass boomers as does stickyflight the special needs folks. Being born in 1947 was not my fault but thanks to educated and hard working parents I got to attend 7 schools on 2 continents and travel the world before the population tripled.

I had the privilege to fight in the last war unencumbered by false morality and stupid ROEs and learned how few were warriors and how many were slackers. My peers created the standards now taken for granted in the mountain sports and offroad motorsports when these endeavors were not common and easily accessible by the masses.

Many of us were able to get into newly emerging professions and trades and create our own opportunities and raise our kids in a relatively benign environment where they had the opportunity to thrive. I fully understand the fear and anger of today's conservative parents who are frustrated by the state of the world in which they try to raise their kids w/ genuine values and in safety.

But,to those that would blame me and many others for their problems HARDEN THE FUG UP and actually do something to affect change.

End of rant

mike r

Isn't that special.