Originally Posted by Salmonella
I work with a couple guys that are 27 and 32 years old.
I swear to God, I try to wrap my brain around what has become of America.
The 27 year old lives at home with his divorced mom, doesn't have a car or a driver's license, smokes a ton of weed and stays up until 2 am playing video games.
The 32 year old lives in a house owned by his parents.
The highlight of his life is watching sports on TV.
Neither have any sort of work ethic
I lived such a radically different life than these children.
I'm a Boomer born in 1960.
My parents divorced when I was 12.
I had nothing as a young kid.
I knew from the minute I left the house that it was sink or swim.
I swam hard.
For 10 years I raced motocross.
I had some incredible hot Rods including a a blown Camaro Z-28.
I've hunted nearly every western state and Alaska multiple times.
Owned a half dozen horses.
I tore through two dozen women before I found my current wife.
I've owned 4 houses.
Many vehicles.
I've never been rich, just driven.
I always knew that everything I loved hinged on me being successful at work.
I strived to be the best I could possibly be at my trade.
I can't for the life of me understand these underachieving generations.
It makes me sick to see them wasting their lives.

Both are considered millennials the 27yr old is right on the cut off. The 32 yr old is definitely a millennial, this individual is unique in a sense they were born before the internet, smartphone. He was 10 or so when 9-11 happened 18yrs old at the height of the war in Iraq.

Originally Posted by Bricktop
Then STFU. The rest of your statement is superflous bullshit with no real bearing on this discussion other than to massage your own ego.

Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me.