Originally Posted by Steve
Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
I'm not defending deflave or his childish antics. But you and others are attacking him on the assumption he is a Border Patrol Agent, so I'm simply clarifying your statements in re the jab as it relates to his supposed employment as such.

So that being said, your stated position is that Border Patrol Agent he was required to get the jab.

Required implies repercussions for non-compliance.

Can you produce a credible source of how many if any Border Patrol Agents were fired or disciplined for not getting the jab?

If not, you're going to need to walk back your statements if your integrity matters to you.

There was a requirement that was articulated by the federal government. I know because I was under it too as an employee of a defense contractor. I was told as were federal employees that they would be terminated if I didn't show proof of the vax.

To say that isn't a requirement because no one at my company was fired, is pedantic. Clearly many people under the mandate felt it was required, as we were told that it was a requirement or we would be terminated. Requirement->repercussions.

You know Gruff, I certainly respect your coming to the defense of your friend. I really do. But this is something Travis can clear up quite quickly. Doesn't seem like he want's to.

It's not pedantic at all. If you don't do something that's required you get punished. If Border Patrol Agents were required to get the jab, what happened to the ones that didn't?

I'm not defending him, hell I say worse things to him on the phone than you guys do on here lol.

Pretend he was an agent and he didn't get the jab. Instead of quitting, or breaking and getting it he rode it out and in the end nothing happened,.

What does that mean?