How many grizzlies have you actually hunted and KILLED Kutenay? How many have you shot in self-defence?

I mean, there's the abstract "grizzly experience" that could mean being simply being around, being in close proximity to, working in grizzly country, being surrounded by them, having many grizzly encounters, being bluff charged, being "in on the kill" etc. etc. etc. - and then there's the actual hunting, tracking and eventual of shooting the these bears - on ones's own - without a guide.

My Dad's experiences were the latter.

The people who have actually tracked, hunted, turned down many for every one he ended up shooting, and then actually killed quite a lot of them. To my way of thinking, are really the ones that really should be listened to. When a man did it the way my Dad did, usually alone, never with a guide (even compared to being an actual guide - with a client or two - all armed and loaded to the hilt, at the guide's side) is the kind of experience that really is of the type that ought not be discounted, and in fact should actually be listened to.

To my mind - those two differing scenarios are really quite different.

I'm curous, as to how many grizzly bears you've actually hunted and shot - yourself.

You see, my Dad was actually a "grizzly hunter".

Never diminish a man's father's accomplishments - unless you want him to fire back. wink

Hrmmph....back at ya


Vernon BC Canada

"Nothing in life - can compare to seeing smiles on your children's faces."