I agree with some of your post. I've seen more than a few of the big bears shot, I've lived and hunted big bear country for a long time now. A moose is on par with a grizz, size wise, but not tenacity wise. A moose is a lot easier to kill. Not even in the same ball park. You shoot a moose through the belly, he'll stand there, or run a few yards, and wait for the end....A grizzly will actively come looking for you...Or he'll wait for you to come to him, and he'll WANT to get you. A big bull might try, if you screw up and bump into him, but he won't WANT to kill you.

But that is moot, as that wasn't what my comment was about...I simply find it odd that a certain contingent will immediately jump on E for his "cut and paste posts", yet when someone else does it (with exactly the same knowledge base and experience), its taken as sage advice...........

Originally Posted by Someone
Why pack all that messy meat out of the bush when we can just go to the grocery store where meat is made? Hell,if they sold antlers I would save so much money I could afford to go Dolphin fishing. Maybe even a baby seal safari.