Originally Posted by cmg
Originally Posted by Big Stick
I'm at ease in cutting to the chase and getting to the crux and am the last to muse even in passing...that any of this schit is "hard".

There are some amazingly [bleep] stupid idiots here,who think they've a clue,that muddy the waters a smidge. I'm happy to filter same,if only in fairness.

As a Consumer,I dig my intel without fluff and try to extend the courtesy to others.............

So case in point - why hide the measures of intel in trainloads of glee, rile, ridicule, selfindulgence?

Practice what you preach -

Facts and thank you for it.

If you think you can find a better source of intel,simply use it.

I happen to have several Kimbers curiously enough...thus my ease in conversing in the firsthand,about same. You'll note that correlation,with more than a few goods and practices.

I'll never not dig the lippy whiners trying to enter the conversation,in order to regale me with how they've hurt feelers. Only gets better when asked about the Topic germane,they quantify that they have zero experience with said goods or pretend that they do. Comics can't even make schit like that up!

Pardon my inability,to condone the train of thought,that'd make easy schit hard. Stupid [bleep],doing stupid schit,will never not be funny and only you,can prevent you from saying sumptin' stupid.

Look before you leap and if you are goin' to talk out your ass...it prolly ain't gonna be purty.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."