I see more noobs shooting cartridges above their abilities,than I do in the realm of their relative capability.

No shame in a guy running somethin' middle of the road,IMHO.

I can't recollect a noob with a 223 in his mitts,fixing to Rule the World and fixated upon rewriting the B&C Record Book . What I don't savvy,are guys making the mundane difficult?

The Science of stopping heartbeats isn't an unsolved mystery,though many seem bent upon making it seemingly as difficult as possible. The pendelum I see,is swung towards the more capacious offerings and that ain't helping their results,so I'm not quick to pin a malady upon a mechanical shortcoming,as much as practical shortcomings involving practice and common sense.

Long way of sayin' a big fancy miss,is just that..................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."