There are two sides to this whole story I think. There is on the one side a number of hunters who, for whatever reason hunt with whatever rifle they end up purchasing. Without doing any research for themselves they rely almost totally on the person behind the gunstore counter to advise them on what to use. This can have alot of different consequences depending on the knowledge of said person behind the counter. I find that wherever I purchase rifles, I always am more informed than the person who is selling, but than I would consider myself in the second category. And the second category are those who have made hunting and shooting a very indepth hobby. And depending on the individual there can be alot of different consequenses in this catagory. I personnally respect the game that I hunt. Enough that although I may be experianced enough to take game with smaller than normal calibers, I will not and always use something appropriate for the game being persued. THere are others in this category though who know better, but for there own reasons try to make themselves look good by using smaller calibers so they can say "hey look what I can do with a .223!" . The best that can be done is to try and educate those in the first category, and not placate or encourage those who fall in the second and should know better. I say use enough gun for the job.
