Originally Posted by ltppowell
Those of us who are not enamored with Mr.Trump have been trying to understand why his fans are, for months. We have been confounded by the fact that his past is of no consequence and that his refusal to commit to any agenda other than "Make America Great Again" is enough for so many to carry his torch. It has been said by many that the reason they like him is that he is too wealthy to be corrupted, but that just didn't make much sense. Corrupted from what? Being a democrat? A rival campaign blamed it on "celebrity", and I bought into that for a while, but who watched his game show? If they did, who liked his character?

I've figured it out. The reason a Trump fan can't be convinced that he is a bad man is because they know he is a bad man. That's what they like about him. He is condescending, rude, and mean and they are hoping to project their own anger through him.

Everything else be damned.
I'll vote for either Cruz or Trump if they are the man. I ain't going to overthink it. I said immediately that I kinda liked it when he lied to the MSM about the Megan Kelly/Period thing. The MSM lies to us ALL THE TIME. They are not interested in the truth. The truth does not abide in them. I had to snicker when they usually can just back somebody up and tear them down over something that everybody used to be able to say but now cannot because of PC. Trump just casually lied to their faces and then, "next question". I'm not a liar and I don't like lies, but I thought this was funny as hell.

Recently Trump either said or mouthed "Go [bleep] yourself," pertaining to companies took their operations elsewhere and abandoned American workers. Trump basically said he'd make them want to come back here and then in essence tell them we didn't need them. I try not to curse in front of kids, old folks or in Church, etc. I don't condone it. But I certainly liked the sentiment and liked the fact that somebody had enough passion about standing up for Americans that they'd get that worked up. In these obvious end times, I can't get too worried about somebody using some salty language. People need to get madder than they are.

I believe in free enterprise and working hard and being able to enjoy the fruits of your labors. But I don't blame all the [bleep] going down on a bunch of poor people who are one step away from being lead to the boxcars and made into soap. I do blame the ultra rich.