It's actually very simple:

- Take a fed up attitude with politics, politicians and gridlock in our government.

- Add in the view the Dem/Rep they are all the same

- Now bring in a candidate who says what many think, but PC makes it wrong to say. He says it anyway. Yes he's an idiot at times, but he EVERYTHING he's said strikes a chord of joy with some segment, add up all those segments.

I am not sure he is my choice, haven't really made up my mind, BUT I think it will be interesting to see him be president, if this happens I see this happening:

1) He will be 1 term, simply because he won't be able to run the country like he can run a company. The president is tempered by Congress and they will fight him. That will prevent to much damage, but also to much progress

2) He WILL push with executive order, which is good, maybe we will FINALLY get a legal decision on what can and can't be done here

3) He will, absolutely WILL, shine a spotlight on the stupidity that has become how our government works. When he can't get things done, he will be LOUD about it.

4) I have to believe he is a good enough international businessman that he won't be as bad as some envision. I honestly believe he is smart enough to say what he needs to get elected, but then do what is right to make things happen. He may not formerly be a politician, but he's an international businessman, he knows how to work across that space.

Can you just imagine his state of the union address? Could be fun!