Good guys don't like Politicians,or politics.But after acquiring some wisdom, they come to see that any group of three or more people has a political element in play.

There has never been a great General who wasn't a wise politician. Like it or not, Patton could not have done what Ike did in winning WW2.

There are different types of Politicians, and the categories mesh into each other so smoothly that they defy definition.

However, the type who can use persuasion rather than personality in his quest to do what's best for the greater good is preferable.

Cruz sought out three big donors who had the same vision for this country that he did and persuaded them that he could show grassroots support by raising large amounts of cash through small donations.

Those guys don't need any favors from him in return for supporting him. They just had to believe he would do what he says he will do, and had a chance to win. They based their belief on his past record of doing those two things.

A politician who is hated by other politicians because he won't go along to get along?

Yeah..... I'll choose him over an egomaniac who thinks this country can be run like a business.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place