Originally Posted by bigwhoop
Trumps success is due to the Republican parties betrayal to their base for many years. His "scorched earth" policy is what many believe needs to happen: both in the GOP and Washington.
The RNC/GOP is more concerned with their "status quo" than bringing their policy platform to fruition. Their base has finally.... "figured it out".

Laughin here...he ain't scorching a damn thing.
Have you watched any of his one on one interviews??? If not, you really should, because he has absolutely no substance.
Status Quo??? Trump has boasted that he'll be the only one that will be able to make GREAT deals by being able to work with BOTH sides of the aisle...You guys should really pay attention to what the guy is actually saying NOW as compared to the one liners he threw out when first declaring his candidacy...you might also wanna look at the issues & candidates he's supported in the past. The guy is a NY slime ball...period.