Trump is just more hope and change repackaged as Make America Great

Your hope and change segue is getting tired. Every primary and election is about hope and change. Always has been and always will be. Your attempt to capitalize on Obama actually coining the phrase is a cute kind of clever but not for folks who actually are paying attention.

But,to the segue, Trump's anticipated hope and change is far more preferable to decades of the actual failed realities and the repeated doom and gloom of past GOPe and Democratic candidate's promises of hope and change. And it always began with the same primary promises turned into lies that you're so willing to buy into once again.

Your question actually reeks of the same NRO styled elitism that has doomed this nation post Reagan. You choose to explore the Trump phenomenon as though it were some sort of peculiarity rather than trying to fathom the very basic simplicity of it. Trump has appeal and he excites,the GOP does not.

You give them another chance if you wish to do so. Thankfully, the majority of the full spectrum of voters aren't so naive this time around and they certainly aren't so naive to believe Cruz's hope and change is any different from the hope and change promised by candidates of the past 40 years.

Trumps appeal isn't at all based in the silliness of those trying to play word game tricks with phrases such as hope and change. It's more largely based inside his assertion this country no longer wins anymore and we're not now looked upon as the respected uber-power we once were. The GOPe has had their decades of chances to turn it around and have miserably failed this nation in this regard.

Unlike Obama's HS "you did not build this, we built this", Trump actually did build it. After giving the GOP decades of chances, I'm giving Trump his chance.

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
William Arthur Ward