Heading our from this warm and dry refuge in a little bit.

Looking ahead it does appear I'm gonna be wet as a futhamucker (old Celtic term meaning "a lot" or "really") these next few days.

I gotta say doing this bicycle thing does skirt the fringes of homelessness. Being dripping wet everywhere ya go all the time doesn't help that impression any.

'nother thing is, here in the UK the tents are all fabric with only small amounts of screening. My REI Quarter Dome is all screening with only small amounts of fabric. The former is for a cool, wet climate, the latter is essentially a bug shelter, coverable with a fly. What you want for most of the US in summer.

Means that in the rain, in the short interval 'tween pitching the tent and setting the fly, the inside of the tent is getting wet. Oh well, I got wool, pretty sure I can stave off actual hypothermia crazy

Anyhoo.... once I clear Glasgow navigation gets a whole lot easier.

See ya when I have both time and the 'net together in the same place again.


"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744