To me there is a big difference in the feel of the synthetic stocked T3 and the wooden stocked T3x.

I never have warmed up to the synthetic stock on my T3 Lite but love the new Hunter model. I always liked their wooden stocks better than their synthetics anyway but had an opportunity to compare the T3 and T3x Hunters side by side and immediately liked the T3x Hunter mostly because of the new checkering, you can really hang onto it and snug that rifle into your shoulder. That's what convinced me to forego the close out prices on the older T3 and go with the latest version, just the great way that T3x feels in the hand. If/when they come out with a left handed T3x Hunter in .223 I might just sell my Lite and replace it with a Hunter in the same caliber.

Fwiw, there are a lot of good internet dealers but I got my latest from this place, they had far and away the best price on my rifle - a good $120 less than most others for the price of the rifle alone and no extra charge for shipping to boot.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!