I think one of the best pranks I ever heard was from a deer camp my dad went to (75% in attendance now in the great hunting grounds in the sky). Those boys would mess with each other relentlessly...and not sure how much hunting really went on.

Legend has it that one night 'Hose Nose' decided to play a prank on 'Dupa'. He waited until he was passed out drunk and mixed a handful of fine central Wisconsin sand into Dupa's jar of Noxema. Stirred it in just so.

Now, Dupa wasn't using the Noxema for his complexion. He had developed a case of the 'roids and took to slapping a handful in the ass and taint region every morning before taking to the trail. Helped to smooth out the walk apparently...well until the day Hose Nose mixed in the sand. Story goes he was on the ground crying about 10 yards into the walk to his stand.

Hose Nose got figured out being the only left handed guy in the group. Dupa, retired police chief as he was, started an investigation. Turns out the swirl pattern in the jar was counterclockwise and the perpetrator was caught...Dupa was still mighty butt-hurt about the whole thing and a proper fistfight broke out.

20 years later it was told in the duck blind to me, a wide eyed boy with a love for stories...but always by Hose Nose, Dupa never enjoyed the telling (or the jovial reenactments).

Liberalism; The impossible yet accepted notion that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.