Went camping with 6 buddies one fall, everyone was responsible for bringing their own food.

Me and one other guy went into town and stopped at a grocery store for dinner fixins, I got steak and large portabella mushrooms.

We got back into camp late in the afternoon after the beers had been flowing for the 4 who remained.

I grabbed the package of portabella mushrooms and concealed them inside my coat, and said I wanted to take a walk in the woods. Once I was a little way from camp I took the portabella mushrooms out of the package and put them in my floppy boonie hat that I had been wearing.

I walked back into camp with the mushrooms in my hat and announced, "Look, I found us some mushrooms for dinner."

One fellow said, "What? you would have be crazy to eat those."

I responded, "No, I think these are Morels, I saw a picture of them in a book once."

Another guy said, "No, I know Morels, those aren't morels."

I said, "They look just like morels to me." I took one of the portabellas out of my hat and took a bite out of it.

One yelled, "I know Morels, THOSE AREN'T MORELS!!"

The other guy yelled, "spit it out, SPIT IT OUT!!"

A third yelled, "Don't swallow it!"

Just as I was going to start faking foaming at the mouth the other buddy who had went into town with me and knew what I was up to couldn't keep it together anymore and began laughing, and the jig was up.

"Put none but Americans on guard tonight."
-George Washington