The first lease I was on was all plumbers and pipe fitters. We had one fitter that had 3 sons. They were like 9,10, 12 years old. Now Gerald liked his Miller beer. He could drink a case of beer from Houston to San Antonio, another to Ozona. When they got there the 12 year old was driving cause he was so drunk.

Gerald always got up that next morning, no matter how hung over he was. Gerald had the best stand on the lease. Three canyons came together, his stand on the middle hill. It was the best because of the windmill-water trough in the bottom. They had two 30 06's, usually one box of shells. Sometimes when I heard them shooting I would go over there in my jeep to see if I needed to haul a deer back to camp. They sometimes would be down there counting bullet strikes in the dirt to see if they possibly hit the deer or not. They didn't shoot real well to say the least.

We cut a deer out of plywood,attached a nice set of antlers to it. We staked it out by the foot trough. We were all waiting on the hill for daylight. Gerald and his sons shot up every shell they had with them. They fired 18 times at that piece of plywood. He was pretty pissed, but one of the guys had another box of shells, so he was ok. There were no holes in the dummy deer. It was about a 200 yard shot.

I had forgotten about that until I read some of the other posts. My son would fall for that for sure. I may have to do that this year.