Bob & others: I appreciate the kind words. That lunker is by far the largest in body size that I've ever taken.

And what Ingwe said is right: If you take your pics to a Kodak kiosk, for GOD'S SAKE DON'T use the Kodak disk. He is absolutely correct that the associated software is a royal PITA!

And I really like what Mule Deer said about processing the deer in chunks. I did that to this past season's buck (240lb 10pt whitetail). Have really enjoyed the roasts and have tried a couple of his better half's recipes. MMMMMmmmmmMMMMM!!! Even MY wife liked it. Getting ready to do some in the smoker.

BTW: As a matter of scale in the lunker pics I posted, the truck that my buck was in was an '01 F250 Super Duty. Big truck and big deer. Here's another with my German Shep, Bo in it. He was really stout built and around 95 lbs in that pic, and you can see how the buck dwarfed him.

[Linked Image]

Bring enough gun and know how to use it.

Know that it is not the knowing, nor the talking, nor the reading man, but the doing man, that at last will be found the happiest man. - Thomas Brooks (1608-1680)