Sharpsguy would you care to step out in front of that rig at 1000 yds while I lie prone on the short stick?
Just because you haven't had good fortune with the likes does not mean others haven't. I,myself had little interest or use for the BP in it either as I thought I was pretty wise to the ways of reloading/shooting, then I had the good fortune (or misfortune) to meet a pair of serious BP burners whom adore long range match shooting with the 38-55, 45-70 as well as several other calibers. I soon learned to keep my mouth shut and listen around them and at their suggestion punched the 45-70 to 45-120. Not intending to tell anyone I can ring the gong at 1000 with every pull but I do it enough that I keep tossing my empties into a bucket of soapy water putting up with the mess until I get to sit at the long drop tube and start over.
* But to quote you, "on second thought I withdraw my offer as you may not survive the experience"