Originally Posted by DocRocket
In terms of being a sexual threat to boys, adult homosexual men are no more of a threat than adult heterosexual men. They're adults who have sex with other adults, and kids don't appeal to them. Pedophilia is a pschosexual disorder separate from homosexual orientation, and if you look at the statistics, more pedophiles are professed heterosexuals than homosexuals.

Pedophiles are a class unto themselves. They can profess to be homosexual or openly heterosexual in their "public" sexual orientation, but their REAL sexual orientation is children. Most pedophiles operate for years "under the radar", deceiving the adults around them while they abuse scores of kids.

So if you're concerned about pedophiles preying on kids in Boy Scouts, banning gay men and lesbians offers ZERO protection.

However, if your concern is that homosexual leaders are an affront to the ideals of scouting, just as atheism is, then banning gays is perfectly acceptable.

Just don't think you're protecting your kids by doing so. You aren't.

Exactly. I can say that the Boy Scouts, Order of the Arrow and my time at camp have made me into the adult that I have become. I will have my son (if I'm lucky enough to have one) in the organization. However, I will be a leader as well.

Just because someone is gay don't mean they want to sleep with your sons. Just the same as heterosexual male KINDERGARTEN teachers don't want to sleep with the little girls in their class (unless they are a pedophile).

Pedophiles are not always labled as "gay" or "lesbian". They are just what they are; sick pedophiles.

I'd rather have a bad day hunting than a good day working!