No, I did not want my kids exposed to homosexual persons o f ANY stripe any more than I wanted them to have a strip club, whore house or crack house next to their school. There is right, there is wrong, there is such a thing as sin and reproachable, reprehensable and just plain wrong behaviour and children as well as teens should not be exposed to it any more than can be helped. A BSA leader should be, as much as can be possible with us mere mortal and sinsick men, an example of good and moreal behaviour. Becase we live in a fallen and sinful world there will be lapses and failures but to INVITE morally reprehensable and sinful behaviour into a troop and allow such a person to be a leader and held up as an example to follow? Nope, it is NOT right to do such a thing any more than it would be to allow a know whore or crack dealer to be the BSA leader. Being 'GAY' is a choice, and a wrong, sinful one period.

Last edited by safariman; 06/07/12.

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