Originally Posted by 17ACKLEYBEE
Originally Posted by burner
Originally Posted by KFWA
....keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

I don't think they envisioned "straight" being translated as it applies to homosexuality but its pretty much intended that way in the broader picture.

However I don't believe a homosexual is any more likely to victimize a scout as a heterosexual would - unless they are Catholic priests or Penn St football coaches.

Therein lies the problem.

You might have felt a lot safer letting your son hang out with Jerry Sandusky because he was "married, had kids, a family man, etc," than letting them hang out with a homosexual person.

Which would have been wrong?

Jerry may have been married but I'm sorry you do a real poor job of painting him as a heterosexual.

Nobody thought he wasn't until all this stuff blew up.

I'm not defending gays or pedophiles, here. Just pointing out that someone who most people would think of as a great role model for their kids was actually not, and was harmful on top of it.