Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
Not all boy scouts are 7. What about the troubled 15 or 16 year old "kid"?

If you're boinking a 7 year old you're a pedophile. If you're boinking a 16 year old you're a predator, or possibly just have little self control.

I guarantee a homosexual is more likely to boink a 16 year old boy than a heterosexual.

Look at all of the female teachers lately doing their male students in that age group. Again, I'm not defending homosexuals -- but wounded people with mental/sexual issues are going to do things regardless of our beliefs of what they will or won't do. People who seek positions of leadership around kids, period, are often interested in more than just community service. It has made it almost impossible for honestly good people to find work around kids, which thus perpetuates the cycle - organizations thankfully take whoever they can get, because not many people want the hassle, which is often someone who is there for the wrong reasons.