Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
I can't even say that you're a kook when it comes to this topic as you're actually in the majority. 81% of American's believe that there was a conspiracy here.

It's just too good a story! Can't let the facts ruin it!

Like Roswell.
Dude, I think it was Crossfire who said something about "debating from a position of ignorance" on this very thread. If you want to debate from a position other than one of ignorance you have to educate yourself on the subject matter. I mean no offense by this but when you have obviously read nothing but stuff that parrots the initial party-line, made up your mind and then dismissed a whole body of work that has emerged post-Warren Commission, then what you're doing is akin to talking about Reagan's two terms in office while only knowing about his election and maybe first year as President.

Your assessment here couldn't be farther from the truth. I once believed what 81% of my fellow American's believe in regards to JFK's assassination. I bought into the notion that it was a conspiracy.

The facts have trumped the theories though, and I now accept them for what they are. The truth.

I admire that you are of the mind to question everything and to be especially critical of anything that the government puts out. It's a healthy mindset to be in.

That said, you are wrong, I have studied this very much in depth. I will be glad to go shot for shot with you on the details. I do acknowledge that the Warren Commission got a lot wrong. That's not the same as some grandiose cover up.

If you consider the mountain of independent research conducted, and much of it conducted with the intent to PROVE a conspiracy, you'll find that they mostly lead to the same result.

No conspiracy, no cover up, Oswald acted alone.

The one's saying otherwise have dismissed all the facts or are simply unaware of them all.

For example, one poster here stated that the blood spatter was over the trunk to the back. That's simply not true. There is a picture of the car at the hospital taken from the rear of the vehicle that shows clearly which direction the mess was made, as it shows where the Secret Service guys had scrubbed on the back of the front seats, etc. Even the Zapruder film shows the spray going forward.

The real facts, not some crap theorist have passed on as facts, all support the notion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.