Being from Texas and an x History teacher, I've always had a keen interest in this plot. Texans for years did whatever they could to distance themselves from LBJ and the allegations that he had a hand in it. Over time though most have come to realize what a real mean power pervert he really was.

I do not think he had a direct hand in the assassination but feel like he knew about it and did nothing, along with several other key government officials, to stop or thwart the plan.

I've always felt that the New Orleans mafia did the deed and that Oswald was a well insulated patsy. The mafia could not look as if they had direct involvement in the assassination so they used several agencies(CIA,FBI,etc.)to manipulate the man to take part in the kill. They left so many theory options open that they knew no one would ever get to the bottom of it.

Ruby was chosen because of his illness...which I think had been previously diagnosed, and his ability to get into the basement. This in turn led to a quick Oswald death and him carrying maybe a few secrets but no real significant info to the grave with him. He never could have said much because I don't think he was priviy to much. The mob probably had him on call but didn't contact him until the day of the assassination.

With all the random suppositions that follwed the assassination, the mob had successfully as Marcello said,"cut off the head of the snake." They were always in the background and had all of the where withal to pull it off but with no significant implictions. Johnson could honestly say he did not do it, along with the other governmental entities, and the mob would be in the clear as soon as Ruby died.

Granted were only talking anout a handful of people here...Johnson, Hoover,and Marcello all of whom hated Kennedy and maybe a handful of others, but not very many. It's the only scenario that I've ever been able to come up with since some say the Communist Cubans(Oswald), some say the government(Johnson, Hoover), and some say the mob(Marcello)did it. powdr