Originally Posted by HugAJackass

I have no doubt that Oswald killed Tippit, but if you like, I could easily dismantle your statement to show how the conspiracy theorist would dismiss the entire thing...

What too often happens with events surrounding JFK's death are suggestions and theories thrown in and substituted as facts without anyone really taking the evidence where it leads. People really should just let the evidence (and I'm not talking the Governments evidence) speak for itself...

HugAJackass, et al:

If you read what I wrote earlier about thinking atop the box as opposed to within it, you�d recognize that what you think you can do might not be what reality will reveal.

I am nearly as certain as I can be that Oswald did not act alone. Too many pieces of circumstantial evidence have meshed perfectly at a precise moment causing probability of Oswald acting independently to be unfathomable. Just the fact that he took a job two weeks prior that put him in position to murder JFK ought to cause you to wonder.

We all bring our lives� experiences here, which causes Socratic knowledge. We ought to respect each other�s valuable and knowledgeable life experiences. Instead of ridiculing each other and resorting to arguing strategies that are beneath us, we ought to be asking, �Why do you believe such-and-such.� Then we can form our own opinions.

There ain�t many things I do know, but I do know law enforcement. There was no way in hell that a known felon was going to waltz into a secure police facility that has heavily guarded by sworn cops that knew Ruby and shoot Oswald while he was standing between two cops.

It is because I know law enforcement and the fraternal bond that exists between brother cops regardless of agency: federal, state, or local, that I know that no cop would ever even remotely have entertained the notion of allowing the murderer of a brother officer �again, regardless of federal, state, or local jurisdiction- to escape justice. When a cop is murdered, no expense is spared in catching the murderer.

For the record: the last analysis I read on corruption in various careers was in the late 90�s. At that time cops had the lowest rate of corruption. I have no idea of the year in which the study was completed. In comparison, a stat a lawyer recently told me was alarming. 30% of physicians abuse prescription drugs. That means you have a 3:10 chance of having a physician that is a drug abuser.

Now, HugAJackass, if you want to believe that Oswald acted alone w/o principals aiding and abetting him, I�m good. What you believe is up to you. However consider this: I had a professional school con law professor (liberal, of course) tell me that he had bought in to the Kennedy mystique hook, line, and sinker. After classified and archived information of Kennedy�s Administration was released and assessed, he did a 180. He told me that he changed his mind about JFK�s assassination. He came to believe that Hoover knew JFK was going to be murdered and allowed it to occur as a way of ridding the country of a very inept JFK, not to mention the fact that Hoover & JFK HATED each other. If this is in fact true, that Hoover knew JFK was going to be murdered in Dallas, then a conspiracy did in fact exist.

I ran this theory by my friend who attended one of the top colleges in the nation and is a practicing lawyer. He has studied JFK assassination as avocation. He has gone to Dealey Plaza. If there�s a credible book on JFK�s assassination, he�s read it. I ran the professor�s theory by him. He�s told me he has heard it. He said he has yet to come across evidence that refutes it, not that he believes it. But he is certain that Oswald had principals who aided him.

Oswald was a pasty, and so was Ruby. I am sure Ruby cut a deal. I am sure he thought he�d be out of jail in no time and maybe richer. Ruby, while in jail, said he was being poisoned; however, his cause of death was listed as cancer, I believe (from memory).

HugAJackass, you believe what you want. I am not gong to insist that you believe me. You�re your own man. You evaluate evidence and theories and draw your own conclusion. And I won�t ridicule you for your beliefs. What you believe is up to you.

Remember that college teaches you to think within the box. The world might look a whole lot different were you to stand atop the box and gander beyond the horizon of your current knowledge.
