Originally Posted by fatjack34
Originally Posted by eyeball
She was in the group that didn't have to discover the truth.

As I said earlier....the end of innocence for America. Nothing would ever be the same or as it appears again. It matters not, I guess, who pulled the trigger and how many shooters. What matters is the fact that this was NOT a lone nut job like Hinckley. This was a well orchestrated plan with more twists and turns by design than one can imagine.

I agree. It's made all the worse by phony/altered photos & film that were probably distorted by the guilty knowing that they could be proved phony/altered. That way the guilty could cite the phony/altered photos & film as proof that only whack jobs (and here they'd be referring to me) believe Kennedy's murder was a conspiracy.

There are a million "experts" on youtube looking for their 15 minutes of fame, and they're playing right into the hands of those having most to protect.