I used to think my dad was bad at hunting squirrels or that he only took me to bad spots as we didn't get all that many when I was a youngster. After this weekend, I've convinced it wasn't either of those things... I took my 6yo down to our cabin for a bit of a Cast and Blast weekend. We were much more successfull with the casting, but had fun nonetheless. Saturday morning we stumbled into a hickory with 3 squirrels cutting nuts. I got one and the other two started barking. Probably could have gotten another except for the, "Did we get one dad!!". laugh Saw a few more that morning and again that evening, but couldn't close the deal.

Here's Mr. Man with 'our' skweril...
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Later that morning we hit up a nearby farm pond for some fishing. Mr. Man and his cousin were putting a clinic on me on catching the fish! It was hard to keep my line in the water as to the baiting of hooks and unhooking of fish. Mr. Man finally got tired of waiting on my and started taking them off his self! Couple we kept were a bit small, but has swallered the hook so I cleaned 'em anyway.
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We didn't have much time (about 45mins) to fish on Sunday, but we made the best of it and added a few more to the freezer! He's very much looking forward to having them for dinner this weekend!
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We spent some time mid-day working on our marksmanship with various weapons. First out were the bows! Due to eye dominance, Dad really needs to get Mr. Man a lefty, but we had fun any who...
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Then we broke out the pellet gun! (He'll correct you if you call it a BB gun). From a youngster till now I had taught him to hold guns right handed as I figured he was. However, since Christmas it's been made abundantly clear that he's left eye dominant, so now we're working on shooting lefty! With the red dot he does pretty good! He didn't like the 'bench' I set up for him as he wanted to shoot offhand, but soon realized hitting targest are more fun!
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Mom and Little Brother weren't around so we did other 'Man Stuff' like make fires and stay up late!

Dad forgot the chocolate and grahams for 'smores, but a roasted marshmellow between two triple chocolate cookies fit the bill!! laugh
Great weekend! Looking forward to the next one...

PS- Sorry about the pseudo hijack!