Boolits matter farrrrrrrrr more than headstamps,despite the Imagination and Pretend of The Hay Bale & Crockett Faction.

Though of course...poor poor stupid [bleep] JG could dangle a few barbed-wire pics and elaborate upon why she is such an amazingly clueless [bleep]. That despite her Imagination preparing her for the Pretend requisite,to "think" she has a [bleep] clue in the first place. Laffin'!

Funny schit!

The ONLY people who "think" killing Critters is difficult,is them who ain't killed many Critters. On pins & needles waiting for someone to "tell" me all about boolits too!(grin)

Joe Average and The Paper Hat Brigade,ain't a barometer of much of anything,despite perpetually doing their "best" to convince themselves otherwise.

Much to their chagrin,good boolits,in good locations,reliably do GREAT things.
