
That's Captain Phil,of course.

He's Good People.


You've zero [bleep] inkling,to the depths of the humor...mainly because you haven't the faculties to savvy.

Just sayin'.



Looks ain't deceivin'.


Oh it's quite a bit [bleep] funnier than that.(grin)

For lotsa reasons...that fly over pointy heads.


The Paper Hat Brigade needs their Imagination and Pretend,for more than quite a [bleep] few reasons.

Keep in mind of course,that Femboy1 is reading this and doing her best not to reply. Not that she could do anything but Whine and pitch another Hissy Fit,which is poignantly poetic.


I do note however,that the 'Brigade gave up on ALL things The Rifle,for some know reason(s).

Bless their hearts.