
You poor poor Whining are doing "great".

Wow! That Buck is HUGE. Laffin'! You sure do "know" a "lot" about this Outdoors stuff. Laffin'! Mebbe you'll go FULL Retard again and "tell" me about The Rifle and such too. Laffin'! I mean your Feeshin' Gear expose was rather [bleep] awesome. Laffin'!

[Linked Image]

I enjoy you Stupid [bleep]'s Imagination and Pretend,nearly as much as you do. Whattya figure to Whine about next and where do you figure the next round of Excuses will take you?!?

More "bounty"? You "do" almost as "much" in a year,as I do an afternoon...'course I'm being rather generous,if only to fuel your Imagination further. Congratulations?!?


How late does your roommate(Mother),usually let you stay up and look at pictures?!?

I'm crying,I'm laughing so hard!!! Knock it out of the [bleep] Park and mention what you do for a "living" again. Laffin'!

The drugs ain't doin' you no favors Toots.

Just sayin'.