Originally Posted by K1500
Good night, this feels like an early 90's time capsule in here with all the Taylor/Fackler stuff. Is Shawn Dodson going to post next? When will Marshall and Sanow or the Strasbourg goat tests be drug out. I suppose it is fun to talk about, but for me the bottom line is this.

All other things equal...
Bigger bullets kill game better than smaller bullets.
Faster bullets kill game better than slower bullets.

In the handgun realm, the 10mm slings a fairly big bullet along at a fairly high velocity. Sounds good to me.

I LOVED reading of the Strasbourg goat tests! You are treading on holy ground there, mister! wink grin

More seriously, your interpretation of the killing power of the 10mm matches with my thoughts. And, being a 40 cal, it does not have to expand to work well. I plan to experiment with some 215gr HCFN bullets for it one of these days soon coming. That said, starting the very reliable expanding Gold Dot 180's at a chronographed 1375, gives me a good set of killing power theories at work, simoultanasly. A fairly large bullet to begin with, capable of pretty deep penetration, hitting at about as high of a velocity as handgun bullets can be expected to generate. I have some 155gr solid copper Barnes hollow point bullets to try in this gun, I should be able to start them at around 1500fps, they might be a real deadly combo. Those and some 215gr FNHC pills will be next up in my experiments when I get a little bit of play money in my hands for more bullets.

LOVE God, LOVE your family, LOVE your country, LIKE guns and sports.

About 2016 team "R" candidates "We definitely need a crew with a sack of balls the size of hot water bottles, bloviated estrogen leaking feel-gooders need not apply." Gunner 500