Mornin' Gents (and Ladies)...

Been nursing / getting over an eye injury, and trying to put / keep this little Farming venture on it's rails,.....that, and a bit of other nonsense currently going down have seen me reticent to post much of anything outside of a bit of prerequisite troll smashing.

Mack's dad and I have had a running dialogue that I'd not trade for all the tea in China. He's one of the more authentic North Woods Men that I've had the honor to speak with, and I look forward to meeting him in person, some when. Understatement and a
fine,dry wit always leave me smiling after a conversation with him.

The wood's one of George ( Treebone Carving) Peterson's excellent blanks,....and it was FUNNY, trying to keep it wet enought to get a half decent pic,......ambient was about 110*F,....and a thirty MPH gale, at 0 humidity. It is going to finish ot well, as has everything I've ever gotten from George.

Front sight,....I dunno, but am thinking along he lines of an "Armored Beech",.....something with "Ears" protecting it for work the thick stuff.

Will own up to being a bit concerned about how SHALLOW the grooves are in this Getz barrel,.....and am going to shoot in "in the white" with sights lashed up, before going into finishing mode.

Ya'll have a great weekend !


Member, Clan of the Border Rats
-- “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”- Mark Twain